Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) holds immense significance for the Waikato Chamber of Commerce, an organisation deeply rooted in the local business community.
We recognise that CSR isn’t just a choice; it’s a responsibility. By championing ethical, sustainable, and community-focused practices, we contribute to the prosperity of Waikato businesses and the region as a whole.

Charity Events
Each year we aim to host at least one event where all profits go to a local charity. In May 2024 we hosted a Pink Breakfast, where the profits from the event ($13k) went directly to the Breast Cancer Research Trust. This year we also raised $15K in support of Men's health for Movember.
Community Well-Being
You can find the Chamber team out in the community volunteering at national and local charity events, such as the Cancer Society Daffodil Day and donating blood for NZ Blood.
Sustainable Business Practices
On most occasions, instead of providing gifts to speakers who donate their time, we donate money to a chosen charity on the speaker's behalf.
Where possible all product purchases and services provided are sourced locally from within the Waikato Chamber community.
Where possible the team walk or e-scooter to meetings.
Advocacy and Influence
We are an advocate for local charities and encourage our members to support them. We promote charity events via our marketing channels and provide discounted rates to not-for-profit members.
Employee Engagement
The Chamber team are encouraged to participate in volunteer programmes, charity work and environmental causes. Employees are committed to finding sustainable ways of working that benefits the environment and future generations.
The Chamber supports the annual Young Enterprise Scheme (YES) . The Chamber team attend as judges and offer feedback to the students on their business pitch, business idea and marketing.
Charitable Donations
Following the Naylor Love Waikato Chamber annual Golf Day 2023, we were happy to make a donation to support Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Zealand as they are one of Naylor Love's chosen charities.